Monday, December 30, 2019

Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem

Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem? Obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Obesity may have serious effects on children, and childhood obesity affect them in their adulthood. Our family friend’s son is ten years old and at least twenty pounds overweight .When I saw him the first time, several questions arose in my mind about his overweight. Why does he become obese? What are the cause and effect of obesity? How does it show up at the symptom of obesity? They live close to my house and we frequently visit each other’s house. Therefore, I got a chance to monitor our friend’s son’s activities. He prefer to eats fast food, surgery, and junk food and he stay inside and plays video game .He does not want to involve†¦show more content†¦Research also shows that overweight children have psychological problems such as low self-esteem, low confidence and feeling isolated in society. These problems lead to depression and it may affect the relationship between family and friend. O ur family friend’s son who is suffering from physiological problem. He does not have confident power and does not want to do anything by himself. He does not want to involve in any social event and any social occasion. He always wants to stay alone. His parents are trying to take him out of this situation, but it is becoming harder for them day by day. Some Causes of obesity are poor nutrition, lack of exercise and genetic. Poor nutrition is the main cause of obesity. Most of the parents are busy and always in a hurry, so they do not have time to prepare anything for their children .They do not monitor what their children are eating .Children often eat high calorie food like pizza or hamburgers with French fries. In addition, Lack of exercise also causes of obesity. Today, many children spend hour an hour in front of computer, television and video games .In fact, more than two hours a day of regular watching T.V is one of the cause of obesity. In the past, it was common for children to play outside because they did not have an option like today but now a days, most of the children do not go outside to play due to the popularity of videoShow MoreRelatedIs Child Obesity Child Abuse?892 Words   |  4 Pages Is Child Obesity Child Abuse? The rate of childhood obesity has become a progressive problem. According to A. Jansen, Mulkens, and E. Jansen (2011), neuroscience professors, â€Å"In the United States, about 17% of all children and adolescents are overweight, where as an additional 16.5% are at the risk of becoming overweight† (p. 501). Child obesity has increased drastically in the last few years. A person is considered obese if they posses an abnormally large amount of body fat. 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More than 23 million children and adolescents are being diagnosed with overweight or obesity in the US. Virginia has been ranked 23rd in America with the highest overweight or obesity in children. In Virginia, children ages two to five 16.5% were considered overweight and 15.5% were considered obese. Childhood obesity can cause serious health and physical problems, not onlyRead MoreObesity in America Essay1166 Words   |  5 Pagesdon’t fit the way they used you beginning to notice yourself gaining weight. Obesity among young Americans is a problem and can have serious effects if nothing is done about it. Obesity isn’t a person with a few extra pounds to spare. It is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an effect on health causing reduced life expectancy and possibly increased health problems. A person is not considered obese until they are at least 10 pounds heavierRead MoreChildhood Obesity Prevention1264 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood Obesity Prevention Childhood obesity is a huge problem in our society, so here are two articles that researched one option to aid in the prevention of the epidemic: vegetarianism. The first article â€Å"Vegetarian Diets and Childhood Obesity Prevention† by Joan Sabate` and Michelle Wien from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition May 2010 vol. 91 no. 5 1525S-1529S and the second article is â€Å"Vegetarian Children: Appropriate and Inappropriate Diets† by Cathy Jacobs, MS, RD,: and JohannaRead MoreThe Childhood And Teen Obesity Epidemic1001 Words   |  5 PagesThe Childhood and Teen Obesity Epidemic Opening There is an obvious reason why kids cannot drive when they feel like it, or go out wherever they choose. Children cannot have a cigarette or a drink either because if they did these things, they would certainly suffer the consequences, perhaps with their lives. It sounds crazy to think of allowing kids to do anything dangerous, yet each day millions of American children and adolescents slowly kill themselves with unhealthy dangerous foods. The pastRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Becoming A Medical Condition863 Words   |  4 Pages Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity is a well known issue in the United States. To some individuals childhood obesity is considered to be a medical condition while others may argue that is not. Childhood obesity is the condition where excessive body fat negatively affects a child s wellbeing or health. Being obese is different from being overweight, although both mean that a person’s weight is greater

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