Friday, February 28, 2020

Primary sources analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Primary sources analysis - Essay Example The pamphlet starts with Paine describing the difference between government and society, in which he criticizes the government for creating distinctions in society and in people and enforcing laws on the freedom of people (â€Å"Paine†). He claims that a society is formed because of the people’s needs which are interdependent on other people of society and these necessitate their interaction (â€Å"Paine†). However, a government is just needed when people do not behave morally and loses their conscience i.e. when they need someone to regulate and govern them (â€Å"Paine†). In just his description of government Paine shows his utter dislike of this regulatory body which makes laws to govern not just the issues concerning a society, but also the lives of people, snatching their freedom from them (â€Å"Paine†). It is here that Paine gives his idea of how the government should be like and the Act of Confederation to be replaced by the Act of Constitut ion. Paine brings the attention of people towards the failures of the constitution of United Kingdom, which is ruled by monarchial and aristocratic tyranny (â€Å"Paine†). ... This system of English constitution gives power to those who contribute nothing for the people, and takes away the power from the commons (ordinary people) who only can make a difference to the society (â€Å"Paine†). Paine’s argument touches one’s soul because these are questions in every one’s minds, only no one is daring enough to ask them. Plain openly states this mixed society a ridiculous form where Congress makes laws and monarch executes them, that is, the final power is always with the monarch (â€Å"Paine†). He argues that humans are equals as taught to us in our religions as well, then how can any parliament have more powers then an ordinary common (â€Å"Paine†). Paine also raised some genuine facts which rendered British power even more invalid. He said that America was not in war with any other country, but British’s rivals have become American’s too which is the misuse of the state of America (â€Å"Paine†) . Referring to phenomena of religion, Paine brought the attention of people towards how God has created the world by leaving the nation of America and Britain far apart, meaning that God himself did not allow this injustice (â€Å"Paine†). British were exploiting the people of America by using their resources for its own benefits and taking away the opportunities of commerce which America excelled at (â€Å"Paine†). Paine’s arguments were direct and tangible and arouse emotions in people who were already tired and fed up by the unjust treatments imposed on them. They were already on the brink about independence and Common Sense served as their fuel to call out and fight for independence which was their right and only they could bring it by changing their destiny. Common sense was famous all the more because of the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

International Business paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International Business paper - Essay Example Australian newspapers have similarly been blazing on about the changes in the economic policy and big business. The Age reported on February 25th about the Australian clothing company Pacific Brands moving its manufacturing facilities to China (Draper 2009). This has been in line with moves by a range of such businesses in the country deciding to place their facilities in Asia. Brands espoused by the company have been seen to be quintessentially Australian with a large following. This decision has been seen with a reflection of how many other local manufacturers in the food industry and others have slowly been taken over by foreign based companies. However, The Age reports that Pacific Brands, which retains Australian ownership, stresses that it remains very much Australian. Despite its manufacturing facilities now located in Asia and the subsequent layoff of workers in the country, the company's top management is quick to point out that the idea generation and organization will always remain Australian and thus it will not lose its focus towards the country (Draper 2009). In another article, The Canberra Times comments on the possible measures being contemplated by the Government to limit free trade by ranking up tariffs and subsidies (Barnett 2009). This is seen as a possible deterrent to the adverse effects of the international financial crisis and that it would help local businesses to stand up. Globalization is seen by some circles to be blamed for the recession that is leading to layoffs and a drop in production. It is believed that such restrictive measures can be used, despite remaining WTO legal to help the Australian economy. However it is argued that it could potentially be devastating since the country now has a big population and in recent years has been witnessing floods in rural areas and bush fires along with other troubles. It requires the elements of free trade to be present so that cheap imports can be brought in to meet local needs as the local economy may not be as self sufficient as is predicted (Barnett 2009). Question 1 Both these articles can be said to fall into the study of international business. The article by The Age speaks of the move by one Australian company that is typical of the trend being adopted by companies worldwide to find cheaper labor costs and costs of manufacturing to get higher profit margins. This shows the emergence of the global economy that we are witnessing today and the worldwide marketplace such that it is viable for businesses to shift their facilities to different parts of the world as comparative advantage shifts (Hirst 2002). It further has implications for local employment and that in the area to which the company shifts where the company will have to adapt to the local culture and practices in the case of its workforce there. It may further have to deal with exchange rate changes, a possible reliance on hedging techniques and be involved in the foreign exchange market which further links the company with others around the world. The other one by The Canberra Times talks about the Australian government's response to a global financial crisis and the ensuing recession. This is relevant to international bus